Idi Ebube mp3, lyrics & video by Eben Download

Emmanuel Benjamin, popularly known as Eben is a Nigerian gospel singer, vocalist, and songwriter, drop a new song titled “Idi Ebube” Download the mp3 here for free

Download Idi Ebube By Eben Mp3 +audio

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Idi Ebube lyrics by Eben

Idi Ebube
The one and only true God
In you, I find my peace

Idi Ebube
The one and only true God
In you, I find my peace

Idi Ebube
The one and only true God
In you, I find my peace

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead

Your name is Jesus
The lion of the tribe of Jesus
Your name is called the alpha and omega
Your name is Jesus

Idi Ebube
The one and only true God
In you, I find my peace

Idi Ebube
The one and only true God
In you, I find my peace

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead

Your name is sweet as honey
Like water in the desert
You fill my thirsty soul
O balm of Gilead